Wednesday, July 9, 2014

2014 - 2015 Back to School Goals

I recently came across I Heart Recess's post on her reflections from the goals she made for last school year. I thought it was a great idea, so I made my own goals for the coming school year to give me something to strive for and then reflect on.

Personal: There are some nights where I won't work on anything, but most nights I have my laptop in my lap and I'm working on something! My goal is to put the laptop away at least 3 nights a week by 8pm so I can enjoy more time with my husband. As much as I love teaching and TPT, I need to have a personal life too. Time management!

Organization: I am pretty organized when it comes to everything having a place and my things being orderly, so I wanted to make a goal for grading papers on a weekly basis and putting them in the online system. I, also, have plans to send home a parent newsletter to keep my kiddo's parents in the loop. Hopefully I keep up with the latter because it's super important to me to have great parent communication!

Planning: Maybe this makes me crazy, but I am aiming to have plans finished at least 2 weeks ahead of time. I'm the one who plans Sunday night or early Monday morning for the week... so this one will be a challenge! Fingers crossed.

Professional: I love center work, and since this will be my first year as a Life Skills Teacher, I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to help my kiddos succeed. Mr. Greg from Kindergarten Smorgasboard inspires me with his awesome center work and I can only hope to get fantastic data and results like his!

Students: I want my students to have fun and just smash their IEP goals! It might mean more paperwork for me, but I don't care... I want them to succeed and learn and have fun while doing it!

Motto: Every child can and wants to learn. Pretty self explanatory :)

What goals do you have for the 2014 - 2015 school year?

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