Thursday, July 25, 2013

Extended School Year - A Recap

Well, it's officially over (okay, technically not until clean up is over tomorrow)... but my staff & I did it. We survived another summer of Extended School Year! I walked in to all new staff in my room & a brand new list of students, but my staff was fabulous & my students maintained or made leaps & bounds of progress!

But it's finally over & I get to go home to my husband (I stay with my parents for 5 weeks each summer to come "home" to teach ESY at the Intermediate Unit it town; I guess you could say I just love the kids so much that they can't keep me away).

Here is a little of what we did this summer:

(Week 1 - Bubble Painting - each kid's was different, which made it super cool!)

(Every Wednesday Therapy Dogs visited our classroom)

 (a little bit of math center work: subtraction with a deck of cards & Link-N-Learns)

(This week we Tye-dyed shirts & had a field day. In the top pictures the kids are throwing cheese balls on Mr. A's head, who is wearing a shower cap with whipped cream to catch the cheese balls.)

We, also, performed Katy Perry's song "Firework" during the Talent Show and got to meet a bunch of Farmer Ben's farm animals. Some days, I think the adults had more fun than the students... who says we can't have fun too? :)

Now for a few weeks of relaxation before school starts back up for me! Phew!

Do you teach during the summer or take a break?

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